Google+, you might have heared about it by now. It is a new socail network made by Google. Orkut, Buzz are networks that already are run by Google. The Google Profiles pages have been changed to Google Plus profiles and all the information is used in the network. My first thoughts about Google+ are that […]
Author: Kjeld Kahn
Italia a Zandvoort 2011 HD Compilation, Ferrari and other italian cars, track day

Video by Italia a Zandvoort, hét Italiaanse evenement van Nederland, vond dit jaar plaats op zondag 26
Beau blaast auto over de weg – met Zeekracht!
After some preparation the final video is finally available. Have a look. Beau knalt eigen zeilauto in elkaar!
Bring Your Own Beamer | SETUP | MediaLab Utrecht | CBKU

Hier een korte impressie van Bring Your Own Beamer in Utrecht. Het was wat mij betreft een
Which iPad 2 apps to get for your tablet
When the Apple iPad 2 will be launched at the end of march in the Netherlands then I am going to buy one. I have already reserved mine with my local Apple Premium Reseller Amac Utrecht, do the same if you want to secure one. QR code scanning is going to be a feature that […]
Cloud based services and Platform as a service (PaaS)
Sinds the start of the Wikileaks, Tumblr and Mobypicture drama, I have been thinking about dependencies to the cloud. I personally feel that some people “assimilate to the borg” to quickly. You should at least have an exit strategy that could be handled in 24 hours. For instance run your services over two different cloud hosting services. This will force you to adept to your one intermediar load handling […] Innovatiewedstrijd HTML5
Last month in November I have entered a competition to Pitch for a HTML5 based search filter for a Dutch classifieds site . My idea was to make a big canvas to let customers explore the content more and let them have more fun with the platform. My experience in this field tells me […]
Het Nieuwe Werken Google SEM
The campaign of “Het Nieuwe Werken Doe Je Zelf” from Natuur & Milieu has been a success. 200,000 people and 2,000 companies have participated The Campaign “Het Nieuwe Werken Doe Je Zelf” has over ten million people. Two hundred thousand and two thousand companies are actively got involved in the campaign, which was organized by […]
As of today fulltime ZZP
The fun starts today! I am starting a full-time ZZP business. My goals are: Do fun projects Help business with my experience in scaling, high volume, SEO/SEM or just expert advice for there online strategy. Launch/build personal funded startups. Launch big projects with partners I trust and got to know during my career. Try to […]
A work in progress
This site is until further notice a work-in-progress. Goals are to make a non-commercial look for a ZZP site. I will do my best to make it clean. I will ignore IE, sorry for that. Hopefully I will be ready in a week.